Private Security Service Inspection Sub-division of Licensed Establishments Inspection Division of Public Safety Command Center 112 carries out the control of private security services since July 2019, in compliance with the rules established by the Minister of Internal Affairs of Georgia.
In order to control security services, the controlling body verifies the compliance of the security company, its activities, and the security guards with the requirements of the law and accordingly imposes responsibility for any violation on the organization, individual, and/or legal entity.
Control of security services extends to the private security companies throughout the country and aims to ensure compliance of security services with the Georgian legislation, their smooth and unhindered operation, and protection of legal rights of private security companies, customers, and citizens.
The security company is obliged to register on the web-portal and submit data proving the facts of providing security services to events, individuals or buildings, installation, and maintenance of security equipment on different premises.
To register on the portal, a private security company is obliged to present the following information: legal and factual address of the company, company director and other authorized people; contact information, identification code, ID, names of founders, a company logo. The given information is displayed on the portal and is accessible for the controlling bodies, while each company can access their information on their personal page. The security organization is obliged to notify the Private Security Inspection Sub-division within one month of any changes in the data of the organization, its director, founders, and security guards.
Violation detected by the inspector or other indicative circumstance may become grounds for in-depth inspection of the facility or private security company, during which the authorized group or person inspects the compliance of the company with the legislation. In particular, the following issues can become subject to inspection: production of guard files and personal cards, signing contracts, carrying out security activities without a license, failure to notify the change in data about the security company, its director, founders and security guards within the pre-defined period.
For violating the requirements of the law, the security company, natural and/or legal entity bears the appropriate responsibility, including a fine in the amount determined by law. Upon imposing the fine, the offender will be given a deadline to correct the violation. Failure to observe this regulation will result in a tripling of the amount of the fine.