Majority of earthquakes are mild, however, some of them cause destruction and even casualties. As soon as you feel the earthquake, see shaking chandelier and falling objects, or hear the sound of breaking glass, remember – you have 15-20 seconds before the building collapses.
During earthquake:
- Keep calm;
- Do not leave the building;
- Do not use an elevator or staircase;
- Stand in the safe place (in the corner of inner walls);
- Drop under the bed or table;
- Do not stand near the window, glass furniture, partitions, under the chandelier;
- Do not use matches – there is a risk of gas leakage and fires may occur.
After the earthquake:
- Immediately leave the building and attempt to move to an open space;
- Be careful when descending the stairs, make sure the stairs are safe;
- Stay away from the buildings, bridges, power lines, hanging balconies;
- Follow the instructions of the local government and the emergency services;
- Ensure the safety of the children, elderly and the sick;
- 2-3 hours after the earthquake, do not enter the building unless it is an absolute necessity;
After returning inside the building:
- In case of damage, turn off the electricity, shut off the natural gas/water pipeline and report the accident to the relevant services;
- Do not drink water from tap or well without prior inspection from the sanitary-epidemiological service;
- Carefully open cupboard and pantry doors to prevent heavy objects from falling off;
- You reside in the seismically active area!
- Earthquakes are often followed by mild shock waves that can continue for days, even months;
- Weak shock waves can destruct the buildings that have been damaged during the earthquake.
Sudden rise in water level due to heavy rainfall, intense snowmelt or any other reason.
During flood:
- Turn off the gas stove and electrical appliances
- When in water, try to remove heavy clothing and footwear and swim to a dry area;
- Beware of objects floating on the surface of the water to avoid injury;
- Promptly climb on the tree, go up on the roof, or top floors of the building
- Continuously transmit a distress message / signal with the display of a well-visible piece of fabric attached to a stick; use a light signal in the dark;
After flood:
- Before entering the building make sure there is no threat of building collapsing;
- Ventilate the building! Do not light the matches prior to the inspection of gas supply system;
- Do not switch on the electricity, do not use electric appliances until you make sure that they are dried well;
- Check water-pipes, sewage;
- Do not consume water without boiling and food that could have been contaminated by the water;
In case of frequent threat of flood:
- Explore and remember the possible boundaries of flooding;
- Find elevated places that are rarely flooded and explore the shortest access routes to these places;
- Introduce family members to the rules of behavior and evacuation during floods;
- Remember – boat and raft storage areas;
- Make a list of items to be taken with you during the evacuation (medicines, water, food, warm clothes, backpack, etc.);
During fire:
- Immediately call 112;
- Keep calm!
- Firmly close the doors and windows – you can stop the spread of fire from the rooms for 10-15 minutes (Air circulation enhances the combustion process)
- Do not spill water on operating electrical appliances;
- Carefully check the door handle (if hot – there is a fire behind the door);
- Do not use the elevator;
- If you are unable to get out of the apartment – wet the doors, walls, floors often to stop the fire spread as much as possible before the arrival of the fire brigade;
- Do not enter the smoky areas where the visibility is less than 10 meters (taking even a few breaths can be fatal);
- Smoke accumulates at human height or higher, so duck down (the air temperature near the floor is lower and there is more oxygen);
- Cover the nose and mouth with a multi-layered wet cotton or linen cloth;
If fire spreads to clothing:
- Do not run! This will enhance the fire;
- Quickly remove the clothing; if this is not possible, lie down and try to extinguish the fire by rolling on the ground (if a person is standing, the fire spreads vertically towards the face, hair and damages the respiratory organs).
- If you happen to be nearby forest fire:
- Immediately call 112;
- Move fast, from the danger zone in the opposite direction of fire spread;
After leaving the fire zone:
- Inform the local population and relevant services about the location, scale and nature of the fire.
- If it is impossible to escape the fire, enter the water tank or cover yourself with wet clothes;
- Cover your face with a cotton-gauze mask or cloth;
Movement of a mass of rock, debris, or earth down a slope.
Landslide warning signs:
- Sticking doors and windows;
- Cracks or unusual bulges in the ground
- Springs, seeps, or saturated ground in areas prone to landslide hazards
During landslide:
- Upon receiving the alarm signal – turn off stove, electric appliances, water pipes and go to a safe place immediately.
- Bring all necessary items with you (documents, valued belongings) and warm clothing and food based on the instructions of the relevant units;
After the landslide:
- Check the condition of walls and roofs in the undamaged buildings;
- Check the operation of electricity, natural gas and water supply networks;
- Assist rescuers in rescuing people in distress and providing first aid.
If you are in a building:
- Whenever possible, seek a shelter in a basement, a covered shed etc.
- If you are unable to leave the building, do not stand near the window;
- Find a safe place: near the walls of internal storage units, in a built-in closet, bathroom, pantry, under the table;
- Turn off the gas stove and electrical appliances, put out the fire in the oven;
- Use flashlights at night;
If you are in a street:
- Do not stand near buildings, structures, bridges, viaduct, power lines, towers, trees, rivers, lakes;
- Use any means to protect against wind-blown fragments and glass debris: plywood, cardboard and plastic boxes, planks, etc.;
- Try to quickly cover yourself in a basement, pit, ditch, narrow ravine and stay close to the ground;
- Do not enter the damaged building as it may collapse;
- Protect face with gauze bandage, cloth, clothes;
Large volumes of debris generated as a result of erosion in flood-prone areas will turn into mud streams due to water saturation and liquefaction. Such streams have destructive power that threatens populated areas, destroys or severely damages infrastructure;
Usually, places prone to mudflows are known in advance, so before traveling to the mountains, explore these areas along the route of your movement to avoid them, especially after heavy rains;
During the mudflow:
- As soon as you receive a warning signal or if you hear a thunder-like sound, with the murmur of foamy water that resembles the sound of impending high-speed train, it is essential:
- To evacuate to a safe place;
- Immediately climb 50-100 meters above the lowlands (keep in mind that heavy stones can be sprouted from the stream, which may endanger human life);
- During pre-evacuation, turn off electricity, gas and water before leaving the apartment; Close doors and windows and ventilation pipes tightly.
After the mudflow:
- Follow the instructions of the relevant services;
- Assist the victims and rescue teams who are clearing blockages on the mudflow-affected area
Due to the high concentration of chemicals in accidents of a chemical nature, it is possible to cause massive damage to people – in a relatively short time, so it is crucial to take protective measures promptly.
Measures include:
- Use of personal protective equipment and shelters operating in complete isolation;
- Use of skin care products;
- Evacuation of people from dangerous zones;
- Sanitary treatment of people;
- Sanitary treatment of the area, buildings, transport, equipment;
In the event of a chemical accident:
- Put on a gas mask, or any tissue and leave the area while periodically restraining breathing;
- Lock doors, windows;
- Turn off electricity, gas etc.;
- Pick up essentials, food and obey the evacuation plan;
When moving in a contaminated environment:
- Move fast, but do not run to avoid the formation of dust;
- Do not touch buildings and foreign objects;
- Do not step on liquid droplets or powdery residue;
- Act on the recommendations issued by the relevant services;