Electronic Monitoring of Domestic Violence Cases
On September 1, 2020, the program of electronic monitoring of abuser started operating based on the Georgian legislation. The program is technically implemented by the Public Safety Command Center “112”.
To monitor the abuser movement, Public Safety Command Center 112 set up an Electronic Monitoring Center which provides electronic monitoring according to the Law of Georgia on „Prevention of Violence against Women and/or Domestic Violence, Protection and Assistance to Victims of Violence”.
Legislative amendments were prepared in close cooperation with UN Women. Enforced legislation created an additional mechanism for elevating the efficiency of protecting victims of domestic violence. In addition to the restraining order, the law also allows the electronic monitoring of the abuser if the recurrence of violence is a real threat. An electronic bracelet will be fastened on the abuser’s body. The device will track the abuser’s movement and prevent them from approaching the victim.
For efficient electronic monitoring, 112 employees were trained by international experts. Attenti trainers conducted an online training on “Domestic Violence Monitoring System”. Furthermore,
relevant employees attended psychological training to gain necessary skills to
communicate with the victims of domestic violence.
Fight against domestic violence is one of the major priorities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia and numerous activities are carried out within the Ministry in this direction.